Catalogue published in conjunction with ‘Social Factory: The 10th Shanghai Biennale’, took place in the Shanghai Power Station of Art, 23 November 2014 – 31 March 2015. The 10th Biennale explores questions surround the concept of the ‘social’; its construction and re-construction, , its process of creation, and its impacts.
‘In modernity, this ambiguity of the social, and the possibility to plan and engineer society that hinges on it, has been a matter of ongoing contestation. Bureaucratic procedures, surveys, statistics, and concepts of identity have variously sought to reduce the complexity of the “social hieroglyph” (James C. Scott), in order to separate the meaningful from the meaningless or legible “signals” from “noise”. Drawing on both contemporary and historical works, as well as music and cinema, the 10th Shanghai Biennale presents artworks that call such separation, and its historical productivity, into question.’ — from back cover.
Also includes color plates of works and artists’ biographies.