The Filter Bubble

by Eli Pariser

cover of The Filter Bubble

Under the Influence: A Traveling Library of Books that Inspire Artists

Artist: Miao Ying

b. 1985, Shanghai, China
Lives and works in New York, NY and Shanghai, China

Book Title: The Filter Bubble: How the New Personalized Web is Changing What We Read and How We Think.
Author: Eli Pariser

With little notice or fanfare, our online experience is changing dramatically as the Web sites we visit are increasingly tailoring themselves to us. The race to collect as much personal data as possible is now the defining battle for today’s internet giants like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft. As a result, we will all increasingly each live in our own unique information universe – what board president Eli Pariser calls the “filter bubble.” In this groundbreaking account, Praiser lays bare the personalization that it invisibly taking place on every major Web site and reveals how it will limit what we are exposed to in the future, leaving less room for creativity, innovation, and the democratic exchange of ideas.

“I’d like to recommend the book Filter Bubble by Eli Pariser. It reminds me of another book that I read about a decade ago, The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman. It is ironic that in just ten years, the world is more walled than ever by personalization and the social media algorithms. It is also very interesting to read in comparison of the internet and tech situation in China. Filter bubble is almost like a “self-censorship” that you create unconsciously.”