323 W 39th St
New York, NY
This exhibit exemplifies the spirit and purpose behind Sao La Collective’s founding, which was to create a shared place between artist friends and the local art scene. This visit to the United States can be seen as a follow-up to the first Nguchonobay exhibition that Sao La Collective and some friends were able to put on in Ho Chi Minh City years ago. The installation’s layout will be improvised specifically for The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts’ space and will include both New York City and Vietnam-inspired furnishings and accents. The show may borrow ideas from the way that the furniture and found artefacts were arranged in the Cu Ru bar. Sao La is excited to figure out how to include their perspectives of New York in the exhibit, as they are from various regions of Vietnam and the world.
Time: 2.99 days from June 1st- 3rd, 2023
Thursday, June 1st: opening party 18:00 – 21:00
Saturday, June 3rd: Ikebana workshop from 13:00 – 15:00 / limited to 12 people. Please sign up at mailto: rbpmw@efanyc.org
Saturday, June 3rd: closing party 18:00 – 21:00