43 Remsen St. Brooklyn, NY
Developed over the last 20 years in partnership with artists and art professionals, Asia Art Archive’s Research Collection has become a rich repository of primary source material, photographic documentation, video recordings, ephemera, and more. Much of this collection has now been digitized, making these valuable resources accessible for users worldwide.
Asia Art Archive in America’s Hilary Chassé, Furen Dai, and Cici Wu organized a workshop about how to use AAA’s digital collection. This workshop began with an overview of the collection and the content priorities that informed its development and continued with a discussion of how to access and make use of the digitized resources on site at the Brooklyn Heights reading room. The scope of the collection of secondary materials available at AAA in A was also highlighted. The final half hour was dedicated to addressing participants questions and helping identify appropriate resources for particular research interests. Light refreshments were served.
Asia Art Archive in America (AAA in A) is an independently established and operated nonprofit and the first overseas mini hub of Asia Art Archive (AAA) in Hong Kong. AAA’s mission is to collect, preserve and make information on contemporary art from and of Asia easily accessible in order to facilitate understanding, research and writing in the field. AAA in A strives to be pro-active in instigating dialogue and critical thinking through a series of regular educational programs, and hopes to raise awareness of and support for the activities of Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong.