Community of Images: Japanese Moving Image Artists in the US, 1960s-1970s

June 14, 2024 – August 9, 2024
Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19103

Image: From Ko Nakajima’s Ryūdōtai Projector (1969). ©Ko Nakajima.

Image: From Ko Nakajima’s Ryūdōtai Projector (1969). ©Ko Nakajima.

Community of Images: Japanese Moving Image Artists in the US, 1960s-1970s will be an exhibition of experimental moving images created by Japanese artists in the U.S. during the 1960s and 70s, an area that has fallen in the fissure between American and Japanese archival priorities. Following JASGP’s Re:imagining Recovery Project and its mission to support and engage diverse audiences through Japanese arts and culture in collaboration with local organizations, this project aims to discover, preserve, and present film and video works and performance footage by Japanese filmmakers and artists to the wider public.