Radical Accessibility: Making Media Art Collections Truly Accessible

June 17, 2022
12:00 pm
Online Via Zoom

Image courtesy of event organizer.

Image courtesy of event organizer.

Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) and NYU Center for Disability Studies are thrilled to co-present a roundtable discussion on relevant histories, practices, and standards for audiovisual accessibility in moving image art distribution. The panel will include distributor Ben Cook of LUX (London, UK), writer Louise Hickman, artist Darrin Martin, and Mara Mills (NYU CDS).

Participants will address how use of the term “access” to describe the circulation of moving image art, especially by distributors, has not fully considered accessibility—in particular for audiences with disabilities. The conversation will look forward, building speculative and material strategies for a sustainable practice of accessibility in moving image distribution through active captioning, subtitling, and engagement with disabled artists, among other approaches. The event coincides with the upcoming release of Crip Authorship: Disability as Method (NYU Press), edited by Mara Mills and Rebecca Sanchez.

RSVP for the webinar here.